Building India’s 1st

Hypersonic Aircraft

in Bharat.

Rapidly Accelerate…

Flight Tests, Air Power and Air Mobility.

Security threats are evolving at machine speed. Our methods of intercepting those threats have to evolve too.

Ardhan helps Homeland Security stay ahead of the curve with R&D centric, and technology-driven solutions.

Our Mission

Redefining Aviation with Autonomous, Hypersonic Multi-role Aircraft.

Developing India’s (Possibly! Asia’s) 1st hypersonic aircraft in Bharat, rapidly and cost-effectively with a hardware centric, iterative approach using Additive Manufacturing, Modern Computing and AI.

Explore Our Products

#Propulsion System

Propulsion is Power.

One of the most important foundations of our Aircrafts is our hybrid engine – part turbojet, part ramjet – capable of taking off, breaking the sound barrier, and accelerating to hypersonic speeds.


Making Hypersonic Aircrafts Possible.

Rapidly, Reusable high-speed aircraft designed to enable testing under-explored flight environments routine and affordable.


Complete Air Superiority.

Hypersonic aircraft represent a major technological and capability step-up, bringing unprecedented responsiveness and survivability to Armed Forces.